LOS ANGELES, March 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Cloth masks and medical procedure masks fit more loosely than N95 masks, reports the CDC. They also offer significantly less protection, as little as 5% for a loosely woven single layer cloth masks and 67% for a medical procedure mask. Therefore, the CDC offered new guidelines on double masking, adding a cloth mask to a procedure mask to improve protection and fit. Research demonstrates that protection is improved by this method. However, the N95 mask offers complete protection in a single layer for many healthcare providers who directly treat COVID patients and is the gold standard. Airqueen.com offers an N95 substantial equivalent masks which goes through the same demanding testing as the N95, scoring the highest overall protection, as high as 97.6%. A single well-fitting Air Queen may be worn instead of double masking with far greater protection.

COVID Educator and former network Chief Medical correspondent Bob Arnot MD says:
“As with any mask, fit is incredibly important. The nose bridge should seal neatly over your nose and face. The sides should tuck along the side of your face. A good test is to look in the mirror and take a deep breath. The mask should seal. If it doesn’t, you can tie the sides of the masks tightly so the mask form fits. A mask fitter may also be used if you are not getting a tight seal. Loose fitting masks have 40% less protection. With the rapid spread of this COVID variant and airborne nature, the highest level of protection is vital for the general public. This is especially true for front line workers from teachers to firemen who have not been able to obtain this high level of protection.”
Airqueen.com is the leading supplier of consumer N95 substantial equivalent masks. Produced by TopTec a leading South Korean manufacturer, the AirQueen mask is a revolutionary new filter technology which uses a highly advanced nano-fibre material to provide extreme protection (in excess of 97% particle filtration) while simultaneously allowing for advanced breathability and comfort. Rigorous testing by Nelson Labs achieved a 510K clearance by the FDA and a classification as a N95 substantial equivalent. The Air Queen is so protective it is approved for use during surgical procedure. The Air Queen may be used 10 times, bringing the day usage price to less than 20 cents a day.
Available at the official airqueen.com site.
Media Contact:
Ian Wilson
(351) 247-7833
SOURCE AirQueen.com