Evidence-Based Treatment Options, Early Stage Pressure Injuries

A Special Report for Healthcare Providers

PLEASANT PRAIRIE, Wis., May 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Quest Healthcare, A Division of Quest Products, LLC. (Quest Healthcare), a healthcare solutions company focused on delivering innovative healthcare products, today released a special report titled, "Relieving the Pressure in Pressure Injuries: Strategies for Pressure Injury Management," detailing long-term health risks of untreated pressure injuries, and strategies for early stage pressure injury management and prevention, including the use of ALOCANE® Plus – a product produced by Quest Products, LLC and supported by Quest Healthcare.

The recent report sponsored by Quest Healthcare reveals approximately 2.5 million patients in acute care centers throughout the United States suffer from early-stage pressure injuries each year. Though common among mobile and immobile patients, pressure injury-related complications lead to an estimated 60,000 patient deaths each year. However, when treated in early-stages, pressure injury patients may experience shorter hospital or acute-care admissions, significant pain reduction and total wound healing.

"We feel this study uncovers the substantial advantages provided by the proactive use of ALOCANE® Plus on patients experiencing pressure injuries," states Margaret Swantko, Director of Sales and Education for Quest Healthcare.

Pain associated with pressure injuries can be constant and/or severe, causing patients to place a high priority on pain management. ALOCANE® Plus can be a useful solution to managing early-stage pressure injuries, due to its active ingredients that aid in reducing pain and preventing wound infection. In a study outlined in the report, a clinician describes the successful use of ALOCANE® Plus in two elderly patients with painful leg wounds. The clinician reported the use of ALOCANE® Plus to not only be more effective in decreasing pain compared to topical lidocaine, it also improved wound beds.

"Quest Products, LLC and Quest Healthcare are proud of the innovative research and development of quality products, such as ALOCANE® Plus, which allows both companies to provide healthcare providers across the country the ability to enhance the quality of life of their patients." Adds Quest Products, LLC SVP of Business Development, Mark McGreevy.

ALOCANE® Plus, a healthcare product of Quest Products, LLC, offers relief from pain, irritation, dryness and skin damage caused by a range of skin issues, including minor cuts, scrapes and ulcerations. ALOCANE® Plus contains 4% lidocaine, the highest levels allowed and approved by the FDA without a prescription, as well as antimicrobial Benzalkonium Chloride to help prevent infection and the anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and healing properties of the aloe plant.

Click here to download the special report sponsored by Quest Healthcare.

About Quest Healthcare, A Division of Quest Products, LLC

Quest Healthcare prides itself on distributing healthcare products that pursues integrity and humanity, and provides those facing life-altering illness or injury the opportunity to reclaim their lives. Widely known by healthcare professionals and consumers alike for its four main health care products, ALOCANE® plus, Clinere®, ENEMEEZ® and OraCoat®, Quest Healthcare also provides an extensive network of information to assist healthcare providers in their pursuit to provide superior care for their patients. Providers and consumers can purchase Quest Healthcare products and samples via its website and over the counter at local and chain pharmacies throughout the United States.


Corporate Contact:                                          Healthcare Education & Sales: 
Mark McGreevy                                                Margaret Swantko 
SVP, Business Development                              Director of Sales & Education
262) 925 – 0987                                                 (602) 385 – 1120 

                                      [email protected]          

SOURCE Quest Products, LLC